As described in the ACTON case studies vignette, there is much data on new developments and the surrounding environment (in terms of journey times to key destinations, distances to trip attractors and the nature of route networks). This document is about integrating the variables to provide meaningful indicators at the level of each new development.

Four case study sites illustrate the nature of planning applications data:

#> Linking to GEOS 3.8.0, GDAL 3.0.4, PROJ 6.3.1

Key variables from this dataset include the description field and date of:

#>  [1] "address"        "altid"          "app_size"       "app_state"     
#>  [5] "app_type"       "associated_id"  "authority_id"   "authority_name"
#>  [9] "consulted_date" "decided_date"   "description"    "distance"      
#> [13] "docs"           "lat"            "link"           "lng"           
#> [17] "name"           "other_fields"   "postcode"       "rec_type"      
#> [21] "reference"      "source_url"     "start_date"     "uid"           
#> [25] "url"            "when_updated"   "geometry"
applications_case_study_leeds %>% 
  sf::st_drop_geometry() %>% 
  select(description, name, url) %>% 
description name url
Residential development of 270 houses with associated roads, sewers and infrastructure Leeds/15/04151/FU
Development of 290 Residential Dwellings with open space and associated infrastructure Leeds/15/01973/FU
312 dwellings including new open space and associated works Leeds/15/00415/FU
Full application for 189 new homes including affordable houses and elderly persons apartments, commercial facilities including retail and industrial/employment units and outline application for additional commercial uses Leeds/13/05235/FU